Skin Savior Multi-Tasking Wonder Balm
Warm a nickel-sized scoop in clean, dry hands and gently massage onto dry skin. Remove with a warm, damp cloth. Follow with a gel-based cleanser like Botanical A Facial Cleanser to target dirt like dust and sweat that oil-based cleansers like Skin Savior Balm may not fully remove.
Warm a 1/2 pea-sized amount in your hands and apply to damp skin. A little goes a loooong way.
1. Work a pea-sized amount of Skin Savior onto a clean face.
2. Apply a warm, damp cloth over it.
3. Cover the damp cloth with a dry hand towel and leave on for 2-3 minutes.
4. Gently wipe off the excess balm using the damp washcloth and follow with your favorite moisturizer.
Custom Treatment Foundation:
Sprinkle your favorite mineral powder into a small amount of Skin Savior. Blend together with your finger or make-up brush. Add more minerals for heavier coverage. Mix colors for a custom color match. Apply to your skin for a smooth, dewy look.
Skin Savior is super concentrated, and a little goes a long way. Always begin with less and work up to more as needed, and remember to apply to clean, damp skin.